Monday, April 21, 2008

Almost there

2 down and 1 more to go.

There's this uncertainty that lingers, the kind of dread which makes you think if you've screwed the paper up. I've put it enough effort so far, I can tell myself I've not let myself down so far. I should not put so much stress upon myself on how well I should do, sometimes it can really be quite overwhelming when you don't perform to your own expectations. There's nobody to stress me except myself.

Whatever it is, I think, or rather I hope everything will turn out well, or better still, very well. 3 more days and I won't think about books till August!

On the brighter side, so much things to do in the 3 months I think it won't be enough!

1) Mahjong
2) Lego
3) Cook/Bake
4) Find good food in SG, if any
5) Macau/ Hong Kong
6) Work
7) Catch up with friends
8) Dota
9) Wii
10) PS3, hmmmm tempting!!!

Seriously lah, 3 months is TOO SHORT.

Okay back to studying bah. 3 Days!!!!

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