Sunday, August 26, 2007

New toys

Hoho, please meet my newly acquired gadgets.

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The HP Entertainment Notebook PC TX1222AU. A pleasantly featured-packed notebook with a irresistible price of $1499 to boot.

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My new handphone, SE W880i. After the disappointing joystick experience I had with K700i, its SE phones like this with the d-pad design that persuaded me to give it another try. Quite a bargain at $199 with 2 year student plan. Haha but the beloved E61 will still take the role of being my alarm clock, organiser, and internet browser. Pictures you see in this post are taken by the phone, not too bad for a device essentially aimed as a mp3-player and phone.

Since my recruits moved into my book, work has taken a back seat, and this must not continue for long! This is the current state of my desk, looks rather empty to show any signs of me even studying. Haha.

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To make matters worse, there's a game that screams 'PLAY ME!'

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Yes the one single game on NDS that all NDS players should play.

Anyway its really quite shiok to stay in hall over the weekend, its just too peaceful, something I can never find at home. Hahaha. Although I miss homecooked food at times, I'm just so glad mummy dearest is always there to go the extra mile, literally to bring me supper.

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The fried rice is plain, the chicken wing is ordinary, but its made all the more delicious from the love of a mother who really cares. There is really nothing greater than a mother's love.

Okay now that I'm full, time to finish the work I have yet to begin with! Next time!


Anonymous said...

diaoz... erm.. a student of yourz.. spend ya time tink slowly.. ^^

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.