In the wake of many things unfolding in quick succession right before me this week (and perhaps the next as well), its high-time I really do some time-management. Yes easier said than done, but I must TRY!
Can't help but feel there's still the 'do i really know wtf is happening in the lecture?' feeling. Yes physically I'm there, but its just not so easy to give 100% and absorb everything that's thrown at you. Its already week 5 and its end of Sem 1 before I know it.
Human relationships, yet another big thing that I seriously loathe going into. Some people are superficial, some are super-emo, some are super-ego, some are super-screwed. Oh well, just when I thought army was the last time I'll see all this. Okay shall not harp on it, perhaps its just me being emo. Lol.
And yes the need to prioritise, since school started, I really realised I've not been hanging out with the good friends who I'm really so comfortable with. Can even forget about birthdays and stuff. Its really time to key in every VIP's birthday or 'when we are going out' details in my phone.
Okay as much as there was that urge to pen this down, there is a bigger URGE to sleep. Having less than the normal required number hours of sleep makes GH very GRUMPY, and I shall now sleep. The thing to look forward tomorrow should be a feast at home with some pals. Good sleep and good food (my own cooking) are perfect complements. Good night all.
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