Saturday, January 12, 2008

the start of another chapter

Had the sudden urge to pen down something, its a new semester and first week of school just ended. Still procrastinating on the number of modules to take, a case of 先苦后甜 or 先甜后苦 to choose from. But one thing's for sure, things get harder, and I better be on the ball all the time. Semester 1 was decent but it counts for nothing if I don't keep up the work.

Thus the resolutions which I set upon myself (however hard it maybe to keep by it, I will try!)

1. No skipping of any lecture or tutorials (I did that for sem 1, so it will be no different this semester)

2. At least 2 hours of sitting down to read the textbooks or notes for the week's lessons. Come out with some notes of my own to facilitate what maybe otherwise sucky lecture handouts.

3. Be very disciplined not to play dota, cod4 or wii or nds or buy a psp or ps3. I know SF4 is coming out but that will have to wait. I can play for all I want in 13 weeks.

4. No more mahjong save for CNY, or at most once a month. No more than that GH.

5. Get a couple of tuition assignments if possible, the textbooks are crippling what was once a healthy bank account. I need to replenish some of it, in some way or another.

6. Be a better son and help out my mum at the stall more often, hon my skills! Of course be more aware of how the sisters do in school or any other aspects of everyday life.

Hmmm its 12 days into 2008, but still these resolutions are very applicable to me for quite a while at least, I must stick to them!

On the brighter side, quite alot of things to look forward to as well, the Macau/HK trip in May, if I can get into the Work and Travel scheme, I'm also going to look at spending June - August in USA!!

Okay, guess there might not be any updates anytime soon, while at least if there's anything worth talking about. To everyone else jiayou and enjoy the year ahead. Take care!

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