Saturday, December 20, 2008

of holidays

hi everyone, after an extended period of about 1 month plus.. i am back!

Definitely a refreshing break, preparing for the exchange, as well as catching up friends! I really enjoy the dinners and meet ups I've had with alot of friends so far. Its really good to catch up with everyone now and then.

On another note, it really feels like time is not on my side! There's still some stuff I have yet to clear from hall, my trip is still short of the all important visa, and travel insurance. However, I do think these are just the small things that should be resolved quickly.

Looking at the pictures of those nice places in Europe really makes me want to fly over there now!






Then again, I guess there's always the nice thing about slacking at home. I can't emphasize how wonderful it is to sleep 14 hours a day in the comforts of my own bed, waking up to find some lovely ingredients my mum buys for me to cook myself a great dinner. This will all change when I'm over there. Hmm, all right whatever it is I will enjoy life as it is now first! Check again soon for updates!

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