Monday, December 29, 2008

post christmas, pre-new year

Well i spent this christmas playing mahjong, and losing money. wasn't exactly a merry christmas for me, but i was certainly santa claus to the mahjong kaki who won my money. To make things worse, I continue my losing streak and its one of the worst I can remember. Seems like I will not play mahjong till the new year comes, need some new luck along with it.

Finally moved 90% of the stuff back from hall, of which 50% would have been the fish tank which I was always too lazy to bring back. Now that I have re-set it at home, its really beautified my house quite a bit.

Sharks, thanks to the countless overnight mahjong, I've been unable to sleep at times earlier than 3am, which explains the occurrence of this post. Compounded by the fact that I just saw my exam results, I am unable to sleep well. Not that I did poorly, in fact it has surpassed my own expectations, so no complaints. I think and I hope I am more confident to deal with the subsequent semesters, and will adopt the motto of 'slow and steady' for whatever I involve myself in.

Been going out quite a fair bit, but enjoying all the outings with the friends so far. Its less than 1 month before I fly off to Europe, hope to see as many friends in whatever time I have till then!

In other things, while I was surfing randomly online, I came across Britain's Got Talent's first winner Paul Potts, who happens to be a tenor, his voice is really quite something!

He may in any rare chance look like another William Hung based on first impression, but his voice is really wicked. You'll lying if you didnt get any goosepimples from that first performance of his.

and I simply love this song. Favourite song at the moment!

Totally cool. Hahaha, all right time for bed. Updates again soon, I hope.

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