Saturday, May 22, 2010


Its good to know that there are people out there who share your interests/passion, and that what you love doing or collecting is not just something that you alone see value in. Though I do not have friends who ridicule me for collecting Lego at an age where fellow peers have moved onto other stuff, I do often used to think if it was only me who collects Lego.

Then one fine day, I came across this local Lego forum where I've seen many other grown men, yes men with a job, house, car and kids interacting and talking about everything Lego. I know its a funny and weird kind of motivation, but somehow, looking at these men who probably won't strike me as Lego fanatics if I bump into them on the street, has made me want to earn my own dough and spend it on more Lego, as well as a home to house my collection. Hoho. I look forward to more of such gatherings in the future.

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