Saturday, June 19, 2010


i don't know why, despite the fact that i'm really tired today, i found time to read some of my posts from three years back, and its quite enjoyable to be reminiscing on the good times that have gone by in this short span.

inevitably, life these days have become more complicated, and having to work deprives me of time to do other things that i would be doing if i haven't been working. to know that it is going to be like that for the next few decades can be quite depressing, and the aim of a simple life may not be so easily attainable, though it is still very subjective as to what 'simple' really is.

at times like this, when you feel like things have come to a standstill, and you need some directions, a short trip should do wonders. i should know this better. ho chih minh city in 6 hours, the kind of anticipation, uncertainty of how the trip will turn out to be, i just love it.

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