Considering the fact that I had been living in a rat-infested bunk during NS, this hall room was a considerable improvement to what I had previously experienced. Apart from the fact that the inferior wood pasted poorly onto the bed frame had started to peel, and that the place was generally a dust magnet, everything else was still very much acceptable. Windy, cooling, quiet, with things like hot water to shower, the air-con lounge just right in front of me, and very good neighbours, can't ask for more can I?

The room before I started cleaning, yes it was dusty, and note that red rag hanging in the room, the previous occupant was obviously too lazy to hang his clothes outside, or perhaps his clothes were too expensive to be hung outside which would tempt thieves. Hmm.

Yiyang's 'omg-wth-sian 0.5' face. The room was in a not-so-good shape. Too bad I forgot to take a picture of the ceiling fan. Just imagine a fan with a thick layer of black dust coating, something like the froth of a cappuccino, yes its thicker than that. Yucks.

My side of the room after cleaning. Yes I can't make my bed as nice as those you find at Hilton or Shangri-la, but still as long as I like it, can sleep on it comfortably, that's good enough. Anyway my roommate Ziqin is apparently having a good time at his hall camp (which I refused to go simply because 7 days of having less than a possible 15 hours sleep is too disturbing for me to agree going for). He should be pleasantly surprised at the visible improvement of the state of the room when he returns.

My neighbours, Jiale (who is sick and decided that he shall skip the day's activity planned in the hall camp) and Yiyang, who is staying his worth of hall rental, choosing not to go home, and instead bond with the school and hall environment. Hahaha. Well, on this note, I must re-emphasise how lucky we have been to have gone into the same hall with 1 out of 16 chance, and to go into the same hall where our fellow secondary school friend Felicia is, who was nice enough to put our rooms side by side. Hahaha, its surely nice to have good friends as neighbours. The other neighbour to my right is a 4th-year Computing Major, who's also super friendly.
Now that I have moved my things in, I'm really beginning to look forward to the start of school already! Haha, or maybe more like start of hall life. =/
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